How do I download a payment receipt?
Would you like to have a receipt as proof of payment?
Let’s look at how to do it together
Go to your history from your dashboard by clicking on the card you want a receipt for and then tap at the bottom of the screen View Card History

You can also directly from your dashboard press the historical shortcut (3rd button from the right).

You arrive on this screen with all transactions related to your account (deposits, withdrawals and transfers) as well as all transactions related to your cards (creation of cards, top-ups, withdrawals and online payments).
If you would like a receipt for an account transaction click on KeeCash Account then choose the account EUR or USD.
If you want a receipt for a card transaction then click Card Transactions and then choose the card.
You have the list of all transactions and you can choose the desired transaction by clicking on it.

Once you have clicked on the desired transaction, scroll to the bottom and click Download, then click Confirm. After confirmation you will receive an email with a download link.

You receive the email and you only have to download your proof of payment.
Here is your proof is available in PDF format and you can use it to claim what by right.

See you soon on your KeeCash app 🤜
Updated on: 23/02/2024
Thank you!