How do I pay online with my KeeCash card?
All fields on your card 💳 are important for the success of your payment.
Number of the card: To be entered in the field $ {color} [# ff0000] (Card number).
Expiration date of the card: It is always in the following formats: $ {color} [# ff0000] (Month / Year (MM / YY)) [example: 12/12] or $ {color} [# ff0000] (MM / YYYY) [example: 12/2012] or then separate $ {color} [# ff0000] (MM) and $ {color} [# ff0000] (YY) or $ {color} [# ff0000] (AAAA) in the payment form.
Name and first name of the card holder: To be entered in the $ {color} [# ff0000] (Name) field of the payment form.
CVV also called visual cryptogram or CVC or Security code : 3 digits usually entered at the end of the payment form.
If you are asked for a postal code , you can enter 75000 if you do not enter yours.
_Your CV is an essential element for the security of your payment. We therefore strongly recommend that you never communicate it.

Updated on: 09/05/2022
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